Keynote Speakers

Duran Fiack

Dr. Fiack is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Lehman College. His research focuses on U.S. environmental, climate change, and energy policy at the state and local levels. Dr. Fiack has a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies (University of California, Santa Cruz), an M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics (University of California, Davis), and a B.A. in Environmental Studies (California State University, Sacramento).



Michael Sutherland

Michael Sutherland is an MPA student at the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College concentrated in urban development and sustainability, and a Lehman alum (’20). His research is focused in urban policy, with an emphasis on housing and housing affordability. He currently works as a Graduate Research Assistant under Dr. Hilary Botein at Baruch investigating mid-century Black homeownership.